I believe love inspires loyalty and the pursuit of a common cause.

Edward Savage was devoted to his wife Marion. He was just as dedicated to the war effort. By sheer force of personality he recruited men to join him in the cause. At Vimy Ridge, his regiment triumphed. “I am writing to you after the great battle,” he wrote his wife in April of 1917. Edward and Marion were re-united and danced together one last time in Montreal in 1919. He survived every battle but his last. In March 1920, he became one of the 50 million victims of the Spanish Influenza pandemic. Marion never re-married. She died in 1975. Her tombstone reads simply, “together at last.”

– Viveka Melki

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Optical Crystal

“The maple leafs float to the ground, symbol of the Canadian live lost at war, while skylarks take to the sky above in hope.”
– Mark Raynes Roberts

Olfactory memory

“Propelled by inspiration, lavender, incense and myrrh rise together to inspire loyalty.”
– Alexandra Bachand


Edward (Ted) Baldwin Savage (1887-1920)


“Ted Savage was one of the many older men who went to war. Married with two young children when he enlisted, Savage was a chartered accountant in Montreal. He could have sat out the war. Instead, Savage helped to recruit younger men to join the war effort.”
– Alexander Reford

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Cantlie’s Letter